I totally disagree with trading anyone. Gut the coaches and start there.
All QB’s have bad games but in MHO, Mason is better than Pickett and has more experience with the system. If Ben wasn’t such a ass towards and...
The media will say anything to get news. But yes we are wasting a good talent there and we should be using him more than we do.
All this about Pickins is ridiculous. Another thing that MT should do have a come to Jesus talk with him. Tell how it’s going to be or hit the...
After hearing that news if it is true just proves that MT has no concept of what he is doing.
To me MT making that statement he is montering Picketts angle is BS. He is to chicken s**t to tell him he is on the bench again this and hopefully...
He really needs to be the starter. But we have a head coach (s) with blinders on. Rooney probably issued them.
This is the first time Pickens had a QB to throw the ball to consistently. Sure I think he has an attitude but that is the head coach’s job to...
With only two left they need to play MR and if we don’t make the playoffs let’s not give up on him. Good coaching ( we know that is a rarity in...
I’ll almost guarantee that a lot of people lost money on that game. First time this team has played as a team in awhile. And I really believe that...
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year’s. To all our Steelers fans in the stands and in the forum.
After watching all the games so far this season and with some of the lucky wins we had this is best I have seen this year. Mason did more tonight...
I hope not. He is not NFL material. If they don’t play Mason next game we definitely need a coaching change.
Great job Mason. We saw more tonight from our QB situation than we have seen all year. Keep him in the rest of the year.
Start Mason. Pickett and Turbuski had there chance. If we make the playoffs it will be one and done. Hope Mason if he starts does well.
I agree with Bradshaw. But this game has changed so much since he played it’s unbelievable. He had a great Oline in front of him, good receivers...
l know, I was just thinking about how bad we are today and just put that up there more less to say I and many others my age have seen worse.
Steelers 21 Bengels 14
Nor does any opinion on this forum change things.
I was there. I know you weren’t.