Congratulations!! Enjoy every second you get with is a miracle of life for sure.
I spent years on the old board (don't remember the name...Steelersfever??), but I did not get banned. Then again, I don't post much. Sure love...
I really want to watch the Super Bowl this year (did not watch last year) and if the Cheats win today, I will not be able to do that. Let's go...
First downs and Touchdowns!
I agree...what I voted.
I am really hoping that someway the Jags beat the cheatriots, but I really don't see it happening. You think their defense will stink it up like...
I guess my questions is WHEN will this (Haley officially not coming back) happen? If they don't decide soon, all the good OC candidates will be gone.
3 offensive lineman Pro-Bowlers??...that is crazy, but it was not very long ago that we all complained about the offensive line being so terrible....
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and all on here! I do also appreciate those that make this board great...keep up the good work and let's Go...
Fortunately for me...I live on the west coast and I am a Steelers fan. I don't mind night games (5:30 for me), but I do get up early (3:00 a.m.)...
I admit, we live on 14-acres in the country and I do that fairly often...
Someone remind me what our QB position was like when we moved up in the draft to #11 to take Big Ben? Had we been searching, did someone retire,...
I agree with some of the comments about maybe Ben stays...not sure he does if they win the super bowl, but you never know. I know that Kirk makes...
I still predict that we win the Super Bowl this year, Ben retires, Kirk Cousins become a FA and we go after him.
Welcome aboard the Steelers Nation train!!
Thank you Mytake...great job!! I have enjoyed the whole journey and now look forward to camp!! Go Steelers!!!
I sure LOVE this thread...keep up the great work!
Loving all of it...thank you for the effort!
I appreciate you taking the time to write this up. Great job! It helps me to see who/what the team has to work with. It should be some good...
He may be Diva-like...but I am so happy he works his butt off.