Hate to see that!
text book example of why YOU DO NOT BENCH BEN! Ups and downs blah blah blah. Quit asking if Dixon... I mean Dobbs is active. It's not his time and...
had AJ enroute from cincy via trade and fumbled it by not getting the notification into HQs in time.... Hahahahah lost out while celebrating. Man...
hope he doesn't gas out burning down mixon on tweeter pre game. Hahahaha kids these days
lets get the pickem and survivor pools going woo hoo it's almost here.
Just had a bit of info run across my phone stating he's in the concussion protocol? Is this confirmed? Damn this camps kicking these boys butts
im as optimistic as you can get while still absorbing the obvious. Throughout the majority of the 3rd qtr I thought they were still in range....
the end!
Making me a fan... Boy balled today. Keep earning that role son!
Lorenzo Freeman... Thanks for helping Chuck out in the trenches during his last playoff victory.
no sign major wright threads yet.... We're growing up folks! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
we had nary a starter in last night... That fact alone effects everything. O was basically a 2nd string unit for the most part before the lower...
1 year deal with the black and gold
we take another midget WR/RB/college bubble screen hero. Hope he boosts the return game as moot as its getting. If he can handle punts, then rock on
on Kordells radio show coming up in a couple minutes
Some of these idiot franchises are raising the bar once again on what folk's perceived value will be! I know it happens every year, but some of...
Good thing is 3/4 of the division are tied. Hated rooting for the raiders but fortunately got over it very quickly Hahahaha
good job on the page
Have a good one brothers and sisters. God bless America... And Go Steelers!