Conner and Pouncey should be back. This huge. The Steelers seem to have no faith in Snell at all. Samuels getting as much PT as he did at the...
Bright spot on a bad night. Dude was everywhere. I wish the rest of the team could have matched his effort.
3rd and 4th string corners 4th string ILB 3rd string OLB 2nd string Center 2nd string Kicker 3rd string OT 2nd, 3rd, and 4th string RBs 3 games...
It's funny. I am sitting here watching the Chiefs struggle mightily with a bad Bronco team. Are they overrated? Are they only 10-1 because they...
I hate to say this, but it is true. It is Tuesday evening and the Ravens are still getting positive tests. If this game is played it is highly...
I know the running game hasn't been as dynamic as some would have hoped. But it has been far better than what it was just a year ago. James...
Will again, not have a losing season. :lolol::lolol::lolol: :dancing::dancing::dancing: :herewego!:
It sounds impossible. It seems improbable. But is it really that far-fetched? The schedule is favorable going forward. If we can sweep the...
Tuitt was a beast today, and is having his best NFL season. I'm sure glad he plays for the good guys.
LETS GET IT! :herewego!:
Has anybody here made it to either of the last two games? Whats it like? Are they playing Renegade?
There was a time when we all hated on Bud. Now is not that time. Let's show Bud some love. ABSOLUTE BEAST!!!
The Browns destroyed the Cowboys yesterday. The Ravens have destroyed every team they have played with the exception of the Chiefs. The teams we...
Snell or Conner? I'm going to go out on a limb and say Conner. It sounds like he is healthy. It would be a great bounce back game for him. JC...
Thinking outside the box here. The Steelers are notorious slow starters. It seems like it takes the Steelers 4 games or so to get it all figured...
Alright. The last time somebody posted one of these nobody got it. It's as easy as the title. 4 good players to decide from. Start one, Sit...
Roosevelt Nix signed a 1 year deal with the Colts today. We sure could have used him last year, but Nix was a good Steeler. Colts got a good...
Sign him, sign everybody! Now that I got that out of the way, why not? Ebron was playing at a Pro Bowl level with Luck on the field in 2018....