Exactly.... thankyou for the info,good read
My whole reason for the post is I believe 100% that brown is an upgrade over Williams... if you wanna disagree with that then that's fine and I...
and obviously the Steelers don't share your opinion on williams, seeing how they just offered a nice sized contract to hightower
I'm not sold in Vince... hopefully I'm wrong... if he's brown is only asking 4 million a year why not sign him and see who's better, it's a good...
Saying zach brown isn't good because he's still a free agent is just stupid
Umm donta Hightower is still a free agent also,is he not? Terrible rationale. Do some research
I like the idea of shazier and brown in the middle more than I like shazier and Williams.
Why wouldn't we try and sign zach brown??? Guy is a beast, can do it all and estimated contract is 4 million a season. I'd rather have him at that...
Steelers will never sign him... I never get excited when the Steelers bring someone in for a visit.... they will sign 1 player out of every 20...
That's exactly my point... ppl saying we don't need to draft an ILB since vw is starting... read the thread idiot
Just because vw is starting does not mean he is a solid starter.... he has not proved himself to be that yet... and regardless, we still need...
love to sign Gerald Hodges,think he would be great replacement for Timmons.... and please sign a corner, any corner
Guess he was too expensive for us also.... can't afford the 2 million a year
I didn't say the pats didn't need to resign their own guys, I said they didn't need to make moves like the Steelers need to, pats have no glaring...
You're gonna say their team isn't even better than last years? Yeah they lost Logan Ryan, and replaced him with gillmore. Yeah they lost Michael...
ok,meanwhile the patriots (who completely embarrassed us) have improved there team by ALOT... and we have done nothing. The road to sb goes thru...
i don't think we are honestly trying to get the big name guys...we never had those intentions... honestly I think Colbert talks to them to create...
never said he was trash... he is decent.... but if everyone thinks he's worth 11 million a year and first rd pick then that makes him...
malcolm butler is overrated, he gets a TON of safety help and is another product of bills genius system.... we couldn't afford to pay Logan Ryan...
Champ Bailey for Clinton Portis is last one I can even remember