1992 Bills I guess.
Yeah those two movies are my favorite of his.
Cool. You should also check out films by Jim Jarmusch if you haven't already. His last couple of films were not that good, but he does have a...
Louie Kritski !
Yeah I thought you said you haven't lol my bad Should check out the other films though.
Actually I hit them. None the less, the car was totaled. Oh well at least Im still alive and got out a ok.
Yeah I had a Camry but someone ran a red light and hit me. I had a LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!! sound system. :cool: My neighbors must of been happy when...
My bad I read it wrong. lol
Terence Stamp was great in it. As well as Peter Fonda. You should check it out. How did you like Tears of the Black Tiger ?
I like a lot of off the wall indie films most people never heard of. The Cheateu Saddest Music in the World The Limey Tears of the Black Tiger
lol Say what you want about Toyota's, but you have to admit the MR2 is one of the best sport cars ever invented. :cool:
I think Rap is a lot like Country music, people ether love it or hate it.
Time to get into NHL I'm inches to being DONE!!!!!! with the NFL.
Whats wrong with rap lol?
Street People - Krayzie Bone
I don't have a problem with bandwagon fans. As long as they stay on the wagon. If that makes any sense.
Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina.
How was Linda Ronstadt ?
Sweet! I would of liked to seen him live. I listen to pretty much any genre of music. :cool: Yeah I have a 2018 access cab myself. I love that...