Those are the best political debates to watch
They're just going to try to wear out Cleveland with the Cleveland celebrations
It's not F its not Feiler, its Pouncey and Ben.
Yes they do it is soundbites from their coach. Just no substance.
What time was the game supposed to start?
Is this a drinking game?
Because Poyncey will still get pushed back 2 yards! He needs to be pulled from the game.
Just hold them here and settle down....
Fullback sighting!
They sill be in Pittsburgh next week!
NFL should be embarrassed by these Refs. What a joke. They shouldn't have even shown up if they were going to call a game like that.
This is f###ing sick. Refs deserve to be let go
Come on get that touchdown!
Throw that ball deep young man!
Damn Johnson!
Yes, I want to knock the Browns out
Arms were tired.
The Browns we love strike again!