That's a common mistake. If you crunch the numbers, no Steeler has had more than 3 INTs in a season since Glen Edwards in 1974. Edwards is also...
How do you suppose he planned that? He didn't run out there just before Jones arrived. He was there the entire play. So, had he been standing...
You left out "extremely common." People freak out about him standing in the wrong place. That's where everyone stands, all the time, when the play... Just, if you want.
The NFL conducted an investigation and came to an unlikely conclusion that - wait for it - benefits the NFL. I totally believe it!
After all this time, Tomlin still doesn't know what timeouts are for. But he has dignity, and I would take that over someone like Belichick any day.
Do I get bonus points for an accurate description?
Hey, I had Rowe ahead of Golson on my list, too. Throwing away James and Golson for Rowe is a totally valid opinion. But understand the Steelers...
I know, but they didn't. You're acting like they should have traded up for Rowe, because there's no difference in cost between trading up for him...
They didn't have to trade up for Golson.
Steelers 20 Patriots 31 Patriots get credit for banding together for a mighty win, but we lose this game all on our own. Steelers passing yards...
Reason not to worry: 1. The actual starting defense hasn't even taken a single snap together yet. Reason to worry: 1. The actual starting...
Every time I hear that stealing my co-worker's paper clips is the same as murder, I get more and more excited to meet this God guy. I also like...
Maybe to some, but I don't think that's the case for most. I think for most people it's like what SteelHurtin said; they have to see it to believe...
What do you think of all those people that didn't think what Ray Rice had done to his fiance was so bad when they'd heard about it, but freaked...
Okay then. Fair enough. If a child molester pays his debt to society, are you going to want him on your football team? Keep in mind this is no 19...
If you agree with that, why are you trying to parse out indistinguishable individual questions on a lie detector test, which are unreliable enough...
You're still painting him as some partly-innocent bystander, like, "Oh, I just let my friends hang out at my house, and I'm not sure what they do...
Wait, because you no longer know what you're talking about, that means Vick should be forgiven? My memory works just fine. Maybe our disagreement...