Great post. Well said! :thumbs_up: And for good measure.... :godell:
Like I said before, see what happens when the Chargers play the Ravens and then plan from that point.
Amen, brother.....AMEN!!!!
If the Bronco's with Tebow at the helm, beat the Patriots....Then it really is divine intervention, and all the rest of the teams might as well go...
Re: Ringling Brothers and Bailey Circus have banned James Ha CSB
Re: Should Rothlisberger play Monday Night?? Interesting.... I would have said the opposite. If the Ravens lose to the Bolts on Sunday, then...
I guess time will tell, won't it?
Bye bye, Tebow. No comeback today.
Lamarr "Layin" Woodley on the QB!
And both the TEXANS and the RAVENS won! Sheesh!!! At least the Bungles are out of the equation.
Look at the situation (which I hope the league does, but since Goodsmell hates us, it will hurt)... To players running full steam at another,...
Yeah, but Tebow has Jebus on his side. :-D
1978 for me
No, they would have been out for the game, cried (and received a 15 yard RTP penalty) and probably be done for 2013! :herewego!:
There should not even be a poll for this kind of stuff!
Oh, head on over to the Official Cincinatti Bengals "Smack Talk" board. They say Ben faked the whole thing up. Those Bungles.... Here is the...
So no trap game worries in here, then? Just checking.
My "ex" wife can attest to it, but she can blow it out her you know what. My immediately family sure gets it since we watch the game every week...
Gonna be closer than everyone says. Steelers 21 Browns 18 (with a late 2 point conversion by the Browns) Our defense holds them in the last...
They are the most thick headed POS (moreso then Browns & Ravens fans,these days). Try going over to their board sometime and check it out:...