Simon was a stud at Ohio State! He would definitely fit very nicely with our D.
I think Cortez Allen is gonna do just fine in his place!
I have a friend who is a Ratbirds fan that told me that Kruger is not as good as he appears. Apparently with out a strong player to support him...
I wonder what the possibility would be to move Woodley into Harrisons spot and start Worilds in Woodleys spot. Im just not sure that Woodley...
I would love it, but its not happening!
Waste of money the Steelers dont even have. They need to get a deal with Lewis done!
Highly unlikely!
I totally feel the same way! I have seriously considered not watching the Superbowl this year, but I know that wont happen. This is absolutely...
AMEN....HALLALUJIA!! I would rather be dragged around by my bare butt on a concrete floor full of nails, than to ever root for the RATBIRD bastards!!
Unless it is beneficial to the Steelers, there is no way I will ever pull for the Ratbirds! I would rather divorce my wife than ever pull for them!!!
Amen, Hallelujah! I do not want to endure another 25 years like the ones prior to Bens arrival! I do not care how bad this team was this...
I dont think the changes would be knee jerk reactions. It has been obvious for the past few years that this team is in a downward spiral, and it...
I definitely dont believe Woodley is a dud, but I will say that he is too often hurt! The whole training regimine for this team needs to be...
If we get in then we deserve it! However, making it through the playoffs and going to the Superbowl is another story.
I am as big of a fan as anyone and I hope we beat the Bengals and Browns, but I cant handle anymore collapses this season. Im ready for it to...
With the comments he made, he is definitely gone! He has no desire to be in Pittsburgh.
As long as Troy is healthy he should play. I think that there is a possibility that he may be overlooked since he is just coming back, but he...
I was yelling for a flag on Boldins hit, but of course nothing! Im so tired of the inconsistancies of the officials and Lord Goodell on these...
So now I am lead to wonder what happens the next time Ryan Clark gets flagged for helmet to helmet contact. Are they going to do the same thing...
I truly think that the key to running this offense efficiently now is to continue with the dink and dunk passes. Im sure that the coaches and...