looks like he was wrestling with the DB out of the back of the end zone [MEDIA]
looked like the fans grabbed him
he was standing off to the side on the hail mary, I was thinking he could cut in front. none of the receivers seemed to locate the moon ball though
they actually knocked it down
LOL. they got me all messed up
they were breaking the tendency but at the exact wrong moment. that should have been in the first half
just awful
could have used that TO to give Boz a chance
dude try to get out of bounds man
9 yards all of a sudden, wth
go deep MIKE
the Tv guy said cause he was affected by the hit. but i think that usually gets the call
hate to see garrett win his super bowl
Terrible on Thursday's and in Cleveland
just let him score at that point, this is awful
Jeudy has schooled Porter.
we waste a TO after all that. arrrgghhh. I was so calm all dang night
Goodness, this is some ugly stuff
they said declined but no clue what is happening
pull crap call. that was grounding