I had to laugh at all of the "game has passed him by" comments. I mean what did they think happened? That one year he was the best DC in the...
That's funny as hell right there lol.
I would rather keep the two challenges. Make it where you don't lose them unless you are wrong.
Check this out. I just noticed after the ball leaves his right hand, his left hand tries to grab it as if he wanted get the ball back. Makes me...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid= ... 0601753492
I wouldn't have had an issue with a field goal try OR say a run up the gut with Redman. I don't think it was the time or place for a trick play.
Someone give that man the game ball!
Looking forward to the upgrades. Thanks TTF
This thread has turned to a flame war. If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. We can all be adults here, right?
I want someone to level him so bad his helmet goes backwards. Holding happens all the time you would think someone with as much football...
Seriously he needs to lose a game for that. When the ref is backing up trying to get away from him and he is following him cussing at him that's...
I hope somebody plants his ass.
Well I say give him another chance. And if he played for the Ravens, Pats, or Bengals, I'd probably laugh at their misfortunes. Yeah. I'm biased....
Good post but you should probly split it up a bit, as it is hard to read. Well for me anyways. Then again, it's 2:43 am at the moment so i might...
It takes a good person to have all that money and talent and yet be as humble as he is. He is my favorite player this year, without a doubt.
I already knew we were awesome, this just confirms it! :yeehaw:
I thought we were pressing our faces against the cap ceiling already?
Stop this, you must
Re: Thesteelersfans.com Steelers Predict the Score Game Week Steelers-27 Skins-17 48 yards
From my understanding the whole Washington is evil thing is DLC and is basically a "What if?" scenario.