Lol levity is a big word for you :lolol:
Yes I am. And you're way too serious or just.. old.... :lolol:
Oh ok, didn't know he was your bro.
I mean if I'm saying he's been a football analyst since 98, and you are saying he's still in college than he is Rodney Dangerfield in Back to school.
But he's a FootballAnyalst since 1998.
What about Limas Sweed?
You have this backwards I think. Take out the "won't" and add "will" I know what you mean. Otherwise the "won't" fits Tomlin to the T.
I mean Tomlin knows he's not getting fired, so..
What about the coach?
Oh this is words of a scorned woman
Woah nice comeback but no face palm? This is truly a miracle, we should celebrate this rare moment
Again and I've said this before Andy Reid is much better than Tom Boy.. Where did Pederson learn from? Reid.
Yeah it was probably a culture shock going from the Beverly hillbillies to the hamptons
Tomlin is and always will be a clown. Things will never change or get better. The circus can put a better product out there
Neat I get up at 4 for work too. Are we twins or brothers from another mother?
Does it look like I care how many people are here? Bell is getting old.
2 bowls. Throw some nails in there- make it look mean.
So we should be expecting to see you on the box of wheaties next week?
:lolol: I thought I was paying you a compliment. No matter- neither of us are in mid season form yet. It'll get entertaining between us soon
RB's are a dime a dozen. The average career span given the nature of the position is 6 years.