The rescent super bowl reunion team did an interview and talked about Glen Edwards being the sole reason that they won that game. They were in the...
Ike's time has definitely passed. He may not have stolen as many balls as we all would have liked but. He has played as a great defender and...
I believe that all in all next year will be better, even if those guys are gone. With them not around, it gives the young guys... the future...
That would seem to make the best option. Based on the thought that we can make it to the playoffs, it certainly would be better to have a healthy...
I think it would have been nice to see and it might shed some light on why or what happens with team some times. I know of a guy who when...
There were some things in there I found surprising and interesting. The first 3 categories... I was really surprised at how big of numbers all...
I agree that it is nerve racking to watch. But I would rather watch this than any reality tv. show.
He needed something to warm the people up to him, so he threw Ben under the bus. It may have made them laugh there but it really just makes him...
Yes, He did. I also agree, Lake is doing a fine job. We all agree that Ike isn't fulfilling his role well. That isn't Carnell's fault. I think it...
I'm thankful that we have Bell, Ben and AB working together but I have to say it like this... Bell and AB couldn't do anything without Ben so...
Maybelline or Avon
I agree that we need to have a strong pass rush (who wouldn't agree??) but even when Greene and Lloyd were here all you needed to do was have a...
Wow. I said what ever at 2:00am, an still have No idea of how I was a bad guy. I will wear my new found shame with confusion....
I'm afraid to say that I agree with Shaner (not theres something wrong with Shaner- more because I don't want to see Ike playing)... that Tomlin...
I had no idea there was that kind of thing out there. Thanks for sharing.
I was going to stay away from this one but decided to throw my half a cent in. It was good to see the win but just like a loss from lucky plays......
At least their won't be losing teams in the playoffs. I feel very good about the playoffs right now. Just get in and they might just have a shot....
It was so good to finally see a Steelers player lay a hit like that on a quarter back. One that was strong enough to take him out of the game but...
I saw that and was wondering what I was even looking at. I couldn't understand what they were doing.