Last I read on Dupree, he was targeting week 10 to start practicing. Has anyone seen any updates on him?
If we get some big leads, he could get them in garbage time if Butler design some rushes just to free him up. So I say yes, he'll get them all...
What?! And miss insights like this? [MEDIA]
Just don't go near that statue then.
Careful there!
I did watch, and loved that game, although the ending was just bizarre! It proves it's not impossible to still play defense in this league, even...
Where are the breakout games, heck even breakout plays, from the supposedly "best" running back in the league? He was good in KC game, and...
Why would you think he's any less likely to get hurt at safety?
Pats: 49 Steelers: 23 attempts: 23
The window is open as long as #7 is still here. Every year that goes by without another ring is a wasted opportunity. It's going to be tough to...
I say we forfeit. It goes as a 2-0 loss. It would deprive Brady of stats, give them nothing to go off for potential post season meeting, and...
Miami: 14 Steelers: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097944592 picking against them is working, I'm sticking with it TOP 28:56
The great thing is that now they'll have trouble getting anyone good, since they know they'll just be the next scapegoat.
But the Raiders are becoming relevant again. Derek* Carr is the real deal. I kind of like the idea of them being in the conversation again so I...
I would like to congratulate you all for quickly changing a Brady thread to a baseball thread. If only ESPN would do the same. The Brady suckfest...
Winners: Us! Losers: Every other team in our Division! That's what I call a perfect Sunday
Is tt Yoda?
LOL! Sorry, I only have so much hate in me... I save it all for the Rats and the Bungles (and maybe the Stains if they ever move up from Division II)