Ignoring the fact that the 30 million figure is laughable, one game is hardly empirical evidence of anything.
That's funny, because I was going to vote for Martavis Brown whom Fouts credited with a catch. Seriously though, I think Bryant deserves...
If the games were rigged to keep them close, there would almost always be more penalties on the team which is leading. I doubt that's the case....
I'm counting on Bortles to continue this in a big way
Not buying that Jacksonville's D is good Steelers 42 Jaguars 20 19 first downs
This guy is going to go down as one of our all-time draft steals. And I'm not just saying that because of all my Temple connections...ok maybe I...
I'd usually rather have a push up the middle than an edge guy almost getting there. A push up the middle destroys the pocket, which is...
how is the Bear guy not ejected after that hit?
Steelers: 22 Rats: 18 Punting yards: negative 5 plus a 5yd penalty for illegal batting = -10
Berry will apparently be punting on the moon. :hehehe: Take the tie breakers seriously, damn it! ;)
Amen! I can't wait for all these "Bell is washed up, the league had caught up to his style, he has a bad attitude, blah, blah, blah" people to...
same here. Thank heavens I don't have to watch another one surrounded by Iggle fans at a bar! The stoopid was beginning to rub off on me
It's Baltimore. No one would notice the difference.
I forgot who Romo replaced! He is light years better than the guy who gave us such insights as "..for a pass to be a forward pass, it must go...
Yeah, I turned this game on hoping to make me feel a little better about the loss...This is definitely NOT making me feel better about the loss
He's a rookie, but they put him on presumably their #1 team with Nantz which I don't understand. I guess there's no accounting for taste, but I...
Romo needs to learn he doesn't have to say every thought in his head. He actually has some insight, but he talks way too much. I really don't...
Yeah, and we all know which team is going to have it.
If he can't get on the field on day like today, with the guys who were out, we are wasting a roster spot on him.