Welcome to the board Barry! I don't think we have to be too worried about looking past any game with the Ravens, at least for the vets on this...
Except for that ridiculous segment where some ex-player (sorry, name escapes me ;)) who ranks the outfits the players are wearing after the game....
Who in their right mind would want the Bengals job? No one. Which means you're probably right, Gruden is a perfect fit!
And I'm pretty sure Pat Summerall had some blood in his boozesystem in his day!
As is most of the rulebook. I work in a field where I read technical documents every day. If a technical writer turned in a document written and...
Haven't noticed him even on special teams. Is he hurt?
Which guarantees we'll be no less than 8-8! Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with where we are now. Just sayin...
I applaud you sir for that of which I am uncapable! which is thinking beyond the week-to-week. I can NEVER bring myself to root for the Ravens.
Dear Baby Jesus, As a resident of Southeast Pa, in Eagles territory, please deliver me from this Carson Wentz slobberfest! I really don't think...
I'm not sure whether to be happy or furious without a Steeler game on Sunday. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go to my default setting of drunk.
Heyward is an absolute beast! Every play he is pushing his guy back into the quarterback.
Dolphins claimed they didn't trust his knee after the surgery is how I heard it. I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't see how this helps the...
Yeah, how's he supposed to throw interceptions from the sideline? But seriously, that was quite the cheap shot. And of course,Suh, not to be...
Since I just predicted in another thread we would lose, and I am nothing if not consistent: Steelers: 32 Lions: 23 penalty yards: 35
OK, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you meant examples, not studies. Because if you meant studies, I'm pretty sure I know what...
I thought he was Baptist
It would be nice if one of the other AFC East teams could field a decent team for once. It's sure not this Miami team I'm watching, and I don't...
I was going to start a thread for "bold predictions" so here's mine: We lose Sunday to Lions, and then not again. Say hello to #7 :thumbs_up:,...
You may as well start your post, "Here comes some stuff I just made up"
Hey, look honey! I think I may have found a way to get Kevin Stevens out of our basement.