I'm already convinced that putting him at guard would make our guard position better. But the difference between Foster and Pouncey at guard is...
Then who plays Center? Why would you take Foster off the field for Wallace? Foster is better hands-down. Plus, Pouncey is an All-Pro at center and...
Next up: solving our running back depth problem by trading for a running back, then benching him because we think of him more as a fullback and we...
He's the kind of guy, where if he'd been up for it, I'd have kept him around just to toss him over the line on field goals and goal line runs. But...
:icon bs: CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YA??? Just kidding. I don't really have strong feelings on this subject. To me it really depends on the future. If he...
Love Bob Ross. Still watch him a few times every week. I just saw an episode where he had two baby flying squirrels in his pocket. He showed them...
I was talking more about from 2013 to 2014. I agree it's not exactly apples to apples this year, given Ben's injury especially.
Yeah I've noticed, but I probably only noticed because there was talk about how much he was working on that over the offseason.
And did anyone notice a difference in our running game last season? I did, and not just from Bell. Pouncey is a huge boost.
I agree with you there. He's got more potential because his biggest weakness is his lack of refinement and lack of moves. Those are both things he...
To me a great player is not a disappointment because he could have been even greater if he hadn't been injured. And we aren't talking about a Bo...
I agree with the other poster that Dupree has more upside, but that's due to his athletic ability and the fact he's a rookie, not what I've seen...
Just don't throw it deep to him, unless he's WIDE open. The man can't adjust to a ball to save his life, and will only lead to interceptions.
People have the mistaken understanding that 1st round picks are supposed to be dominating players. Obviously that's the goal, but the actual...