Ben hestitated and is staring down the reciever...come on guys, settle in
No kdding, what a change
WOW WOW WOW thank you baby jesus
Just gave them a lot of motivation regardless of just a FG
Dear baby jesus....please don't let them score a TD
we suck :-)
I good throw away from winning this? sick
I just can't believe this
This is nuts...KC has time to actually win this
PS I just don't like Mendy
So will Bruce go for the quick strike deep ball? OR attempt 1st downs with short passes and the run? I'll bet a deep ball in the past two plays.
Let's go D
THis is not good
Fudge that was close
What were we thinking? You should have that all ready to go and planned out...
Way too much time
Ok, just get the first down...6 yards
that's what i want...start using the time outs
Be smart, please be smart now