Thx as long as I made my point.
And how did that work out for us? That was our supeRbowl!
Satisfied no, pissed off yes! We need changes and I won't pretend like no matter what we do as long as we make the playoffs we should be...
Love it! Wallace fans....he is a one trick pony! I kept yelling stop throwing him the ball...
Pls bring back cower!
Very quiet as I expected.....not even a wait till next yr??
Who is surprised?
All those fans, and u know who u r (or do u need me to call u out), that said wait till the playoffs. We were not a 12-4 caliber team and today u...
As a die hard fan, but a realistic fan who predicted that we were not 12-4 Material...who r really the trolls now? Where r all of u who looked...
I said it earlier this yr...Ike all pro we have yes. Sorry but we r not that good.
I'm with u!
Not buying the whole double cover stuff....plenty of other # 1 receivers on teams that r getting doubled but still managing to put up huge numbers...
Earlier this yr I posted that I felt Brown was better than Wallace and I believe as the season unfolded, there r many more believers now. What is...
What happens when u don't take care of business...u have to hope other teams win.
What team doesn't have injuries?
According to some fans......just wait till the playoffs, we'll be much better.
Sorry teams don't turn it off and on prior to playoffs, that's why the team that is peaking going into the playoffs is usually the team to...
Keep dreaming...does it really matter with the way we r playing???