That's a popular excuse for poor officiating, and they said the same thing about the tuck rule game. The problem arises is that the missed call...
By "prepare" I think you mean "cheat". They are the greatest cheaters this sport has ever seen and if the media would do its job instead of...
If they get 6 only New England fans, the sports media, and people who don't want to admit that cheating happened will think it equals our 6. Tuck...
I wont watch a Super Bowl that has New England in it. They've gotten away with so much over the years with the tuck rule and two cheating...
Wait, I thought most of us (including the media) were complaining all season about the abandonment of the running game? I'm also not sure I buy...
They're probably just cheating again. :) As for Sanders, I take anything a member of "Young Money" says with appropriate skepticism. With that...
20 years old is not a kid. That's two years older than you have to be to go fight and die for your country. It is 4 years older than you have to...
Maybe not, but look at that guy in New England. I can't remember his name because I frankly don't care about him, but I think he is the OC. The...
My interest in the team has not diminished. My pride in them has, but I think I would feel that way about any team because of this group of...
We could end it if we wanted to. There are enough of us old enough to remember respect, the importance of team, and the pride of winning. The...
As I have been thinking on the AB problem, I have begun to try and think of ways the league can discourage his type of behavior. I say this...
You might want to also look at words. Anyone remember "Young Money"? It's too bad the coaches and management didn't see the warning signs back...
The only good thing about this whole thing is that the sports media is finally calling out Tomlin. Thanks to AB going off the deep end people are...
As much as I dislike Tomlin and think he has lost control, I don't know who would be able to control AB. AB is on a whole other level. Get rid...
I enjoyed that article. Since I was only 4 at the time this happened, I don't remember it :) However your point is well taken. I should have...
[MEDIA] Think whatever you want about Cowherd (I happen to think he's an idiot), but Greg Jennings says some good things that are hard to argue...
Terrell Owens was talented too and he destroyed every locker room he was in. AB is immature and appears only focused on himself. Either get...
[MEDIA] If ESPN is this down on AB, you know something is seriously wrong because they hardly ever criticize star players. Ryan Clark just...
I thought I heard on the TV post game show that the Steelers picked up the option on Dupree's contract. If I heard right then we've got him one...
There's always somebody. I don't claim to know all of the coaches in the pro and college ranks, but to really believe that there is no one better...