There are so many things in this thread that have no relation to each other yet getting By the "2nd chance" logic bill belicheck = deshaun...
Hey man thanks for the write up it's awesome. Appreciate the time you put in. If there is one ask, could you label the pics like 1.a 1.b 2.a Like...
I don't think Flores= Watson. Odd comparison.
You guys remember in the 3rd quarter when we went hurry up and we're moving the ball. I wonder how those plays were being called. *It may not...
Haven't seen these, great share and solid vids.
Didnt you mention something like Sacks are sexy num num I like sacks yum yum. (Jk jk jk jk) I'm paraphrasing, it's probably a misquote because...
I don't think he got out coached I think there was real issues in the 2nd half offense. Something like 1-4 on 3rd in the 4th? If he was Sean...
Not being like that but I am curious about your great assistant coaches. I feel like Tomlin does not have a coaching tree at all.
Correct, it happened a few times over the 2nd half.
I think their O has more than 2 tds though. There is an issue here and only film will tell if it's bad concepts or bad reads. Unless someone saw...
Yeah shots aren't being taken and thats probably what they have him running.
One of those TDs was on the punt fiasco right? Almost a gift of 3 points. Shame.
I bet you did. And were super cool. And like, totally get it. I mean who gets tackles for loss they are just super attractive.
Seems like a fruedian (sp?) Slip. Guess we found the... Uh... I mean you know.
Yup Unlike in Chicago no TO which is why it's just a bit better. Mitch gonna Mitch and we're all gonna b*tch. He has some very good moments I just...
Just from broadcast, the all 22 may look different, but it looks like they still were saying "you can't run on even numbers." That is a huge problem.
I love your quote because I read this as "I did also." As in, just like Mitch you were also a non factor.
Jameis Winston put up better numbers. He was a free agent....
I'm not a Canada hater but I put that on him.