Tampa bay game Even if we had won that game we just don't have the defence to stand up to strong offences. Look what Tampa Bay did with their...
Game was fixed.
I told my wife before this game even started that the steelers will probable loose. Why??? Its because the NFL is all a setup. I've been watching...
After what happen with tomlin on the sideline in the ravens game I instantly remembered this....
With this http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2013/08/09/former-steeler-greg-lloyd-has-strong-feelings-about-todays-nfl-and-players/ NFL has gone way...
post 70's to 2000 we had a bad to average offence, and a good to great defense. Then when Ben took over, and got rolling we had a good to great...
I live here in northern Maine(dam pats country), and there actually showing my steelers :) :) up here. Heck the whole dam state is showing the...
Ok were nothing like the crappy 80's team. But it still doesn't change that fact without Ben we are doomed. Like I said before even with Ben WE...
People as much as we love our Steelers, this season is pretty much over. Without Ben we are going nowhere. Even when Ben is playing we are...
This f--king team has no decipline at all!!! I've never seen a steelers game in the past 30 years,where every DAM fn running back in the game...
Im telling you something isnt right about this GAME. Its not the lost that bothers me as much on how we lost. One of the biggest finish to a...
OMFG, I can call better plays than him. Get rid of him allready. We are going to be no better off next season. You can have great players ,but...
One bit that we lost that game the way we did. Don't you all find it just a little funny how we played that last play in OT?????? Look at that...
I just wanted to say I know our last game hurt alot, but ive been watching my steelers for 34 years now, and you know what no matter what happens...
Im so f--king tired of how the NFL has become. So much favoritism in the league now. Im surprise harrison does'nt get fine for just showing up...
Just did a post a liitle while ago. I vented off some steam, I feel a little better now :grin: :herewego!: :steelersrock: :ratbirds:...
I,ve been a steeler die hard fan for 35 years, and this is the worst frigging coaching this team has ever had. I allmost kicked in my tv set last...