Nice run back!
I think Chris Collnsworth wants to get on his knees for TB!
I'm sorry, but that SB was so rigged its not funny, and nothing will change my mind on that.
I'm rooting for Buffalo. Those SB looses in the 90's were brutal for them, and I hate KC and CB!
Don't care who's in the SB, as long as it's not TB!
What the #$%&$ was that!
This is hilarious.
Our offence is way to predictable.
The fix is in.
How come the clowns were aloud fans, but the Steelers weren't?
Go here
To everyone that's looking for a good website for a feed, well here you go.
So is this delay going to cause us to not see the whole game?
Lol you are a funny man. I've been watching football for 40+ years and yes the games are rigged. Any blind man can see this. Go do some...
I will say it, I I'm a conspiracy theorist and this ****ing game was rigged!!!!! Do you know how easy it is for the refs to fix x this game.