Hey everyone steelers get screwed on everything. The media and big shots can't stand us . Remember we are not a white collar team. High market...
I swear if New pukeland wins I'm driving to Boston and swinging a baseball bat right at a$$hole bob kraft head then going to bang his hot girlfriend
Yep I agree they suck . I do like mike Hilton though
I love it when Bradshaw talks about Steelers. I mean how bout when he said Tomlin was a cheerleader coach . I absolutely loved it and good ole...
Mitchell sucks . He's all talk . I really hope he is NOT wearing a Steelers uniform next year
Yea watch if we let him go and them idiots in New England would pick him up. That would make me puke
What make me sick about what I'm saying is the media blows New England cause if their piece of garbage owner bob kraft blowing them . Anything...
Three things I can't stand in football 1. Goodell 2. Bob fake a$$ kraft 3. Frontrunner patriot fans
Oh we are a tough hard nose organization buts thanks to the goodell and a$$hole bob kraft league we can't play like that anymore. And that's the...
Thats right and the great Chuck Noll said that . But the media and all these clowns out there thinks do your job is better . Bull $hit
Oh I agree with some of you . I wish we had a coach like belichick . One of the greatest coaches ever . Why ???? DISCIPLINE. We do not have that...
Patriot fans are freaking arrogant a$$holes . Soon their fans will be going into hiding and I can't wait . The main reason I hate that...
today I was at the pro football HOF gift shop. I had my Steelers hoodie on and this dumba$$ patriots fans came up to me and said that they are...
I could care less about Brady or the patriots. I only care about the Steelers. I want that Steelers football back again and I want some of our...
They can laugh all they want . Most New England fans are fair weather frontrunners. Wait till belichick and Brady are gone . They will be back to...
Ok when I started this post. I knew someone was going to mention Harrison cheating spygate and so on . Bottom line Steelers have all that talent...
Great post ..... you are 100% correct . Also even though it stings . Congratulations to Harrison and Blount . Way to go fist pumping dumba$&...
Yea they won 13 games . That doesn't mean anything to me . I want a championship. We the Steelers have better talent than New England . The only...