My in-the-bag prediction: Look at me posts here will continue. Even Vegas wouldn't touch those odds.
Certainly a dominant OL and DL are very important but even then you need to have other at least competent units (LBs, DBs, WRs). We have needs in...
They make an ointment for that
a foot in the door and he needs a foot in the....
I appreciate Cleveland like a big crap..sure it might have felt good but at the end of the day, it is still just foul smelling waste
jet sweeps!
I guess I'm ok with this but we really need to expand the middle of the field passing game. and allow some audibles (apparent rumor that his...
we can only hope...and pray.........and drink heavily.
he was flooded with interest [IMG]
it isn't the sky, just the balls that DJ dropped
we don't want to hear about your fetishes.
for what it's worth bbh, you'll always be a top 5 a-hole to me. Be proud!
There are obvious in-game adjustments more so now with instant side-line tablet analysis. Prior to that it was the print-outs and I'm sure there...
narcissist is going to narcissist
trying not to make a time management joke here...struggling
and yet he's on this board...;)
They struggled to run in the 2nd half but I wouldn't put that on the OC.
thanks for not keeping your relationship silent and potentially deadly