Big Ben conrats!! Big Ben, a God Send!! :applaud:
I dont believe we will run all over the Packers but, i do smell an upset if everyone does their job and plays for 60 minutes!! Plus we get Watt,...
Strange but i have this erie feeling the Steelers just might edge out the Packers!! I know right!! but, a desperate team is a dangerous team!! Of...
This subpar clown walking around with a big smile on hes face with the team is getting rapped is unacceptable get him of the Team now!! Hes not...
I havent run into any Bengals fans myself living on the west coast just butthead Ravens fans. I never get into any back and forth stuff i just...
One thing is for sure is with a lot of new pieces on the team they have not bought into what the Steelers are saling!! In time in time that will...
Ben: Hey Coach!! Tomlin: Yes Beeeen, what the!! Ben: You smell that to, sorry the Wife made Chili Dogs for Dinner last night!!
DUDES !! No body was talking about the Steelers fans i fully understand that, all teams have bad fans thats, why i posted this in the generally...
BLACK AND GOLD 27 GREEN AND GOLD 21 RUSH ATTEMPTS 25 Ride or Die, Win or Lose!! I stay true!!
Mean while over at the Bungholes message board you would think at 2-1 they are playoff and superbowl bound but you also have to realize its just 3...
Human paper weight!!:poopy:
What you smoking!!:facepalm:
How in the h*** that bum Ebron in the Team i cant remember the ladt time he caught anything is he buds with Tomlin? No effort to try and catch...