Ejection was big time overreaction
If you know you’re going to punt there, that’s when you throw it underneath on 3rd. Maybe you break for a first if not, you’re in FG range. Dumb
You’re a good fan, onward and upward.
Good luck. Gonna watch college basketball before UFC. I don’t deserve this misery
If you’re going to punt from there, run a short pass play you dumbasses
Holding but Colts sell every play
Handoff on 2nd and 21…living in our fears
How does 99 go untouched
Mitch just throws off his back foot every time
That’s what happens when you can’t convert 3rd and short.
Horrible call that was a flop
Can’t miss those easy plays
Fkn wide open
Najee lower your head initiate the contact and give the D pause next time. Instead you get blown up by a DB
Better to be lucky
Saw that coming, play off Watt aggressiveness. Love to see him drop every once in a while
Why do I want this team to win and make playoffs, they’re not good at much
Beat by practice squad