Got lucky
Just go down if you’re gonna fumble
We’ll at least he got a target
Damn Peterson
Blatant hold not called
Way too easy
Getting beat at the line
Man good coverage
Wish it was 35
Damn, bad weather was advantage Steelers, just lost it
Man I miss that song, got a lot of play in my home pre-2011.
2 hot teams, Steelers and Bills, facing each other, while Mia and KC are both slumping. One hot team will be eliminated while a slumper will...
Glenn’s capitulation on Tomlin was the bottom. Just let me know when he capitulates on the stock market and I’ll go all in!
Suspended only during regular season?
Well I kept my word. Decided to shovel snow instead of watch. Whatever it takes!
That was worse than the Zentner drop
No way
Nice…we’re better than Jax and deserve a spot!
Free 3…Fkn Zentner