You are making it sound like we lost the Najee Pick. The steelers ended up getting who they wanted... :shrug:
I'm getting flashbacks of the Bell vs Eddy Lacy debate.
I know you are the OP on this thread, but to be fair Blast, as long as it's not breaking any forum rules, you kinda have to let the conversation...
For a big powerful man, Bettis was light on his on his toes and had an ability to get "skinny" in the seam. It was a great combo.
what is the formula to determine who plays in the 17th game?
I never understood this logic. Why don't we reduce the season down to 8 games in the interest of player safety then? This is a business filled...
Buy low, sell high right? I kinda agree. Lets face it, maybe tomlin doesn't care, but us Fans only want championships. It's not happening any...
I don't usually nitpick but since you called me out: An indicator is a marker or a precursor to an actual event. The actual event here would be a...
Well, when the owner says he wants him back and when Ben says he'll back, that's usually a pretty good indicator that: you guessed it! He will be...
Yep, I bought a new OLED 2 weeks ago. The wife made me buy the extra warranty since we are still in football season.
This time slot sucks! I was really hoping for a 3:35 game on Wednesday.
Big difference actually. Cowher had that team ready to go most years even when they didn't have all the pieces. When they won the super bowl,...
There was a time where the FO had a knack of trading or cutting a player right before their play dropped off a cliff. I think those days are long...
So did someone officially from the steelers camp say it was an MCL sprain?
In before this is misconstrued and shut down as a political post....
Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Just because we get a scare this week does not prevent a scare in January.
All placed on Covid-19/Reserve List
I know this is an unpopular opinion; Dionte Johnson is a whiner. There were more than a few instances where DJ would start complaining about...
Apparently I just watched the season finale 6 months after it was supposed to air and there won't be any more episodes until 2021. WTF? Are...