Ugh ,,UGLY AF ,glad we have BOZ !
He's gonna slip and it'll be blocked and returned for a TD
Refs decide games ..It really shouldn't be that way but it is .
Pretty sure Bears fans are laughing there asses of right now.
No breaks today fellas ..They knew they gave us one last week .
I can't believe it ,nevermind I can
Fair enough ,but I think Claypool could have had a good day today.
Just a normal play call for Butler
We're missing a lot of key player though
We got this fellas
Goeff was the first player picked right ? Is he Ryan Leaf territory yet?
Ugh,you just gave me a Tebow flashback ..
I just don't understand why we don't run our stud Harris with a fullback and 3 TE's more.. Or Like EVER !
Definitely not the same game thats for sure .
He had Harris in his lap
For what its worth ,a win here given all the circumstances is huge !
I think Claypool and JuJu make that catch
He's playing better than Goeff ,a Former 1st pick ..Just saying .
I still think it was a catchable ball
You have to catch that