I don't think the Steelers can stop them either way. Attack the linebackers in the pass game and it's just as effective.
He's probably playing hurt as it is.
If the colts receiver holds on to the ball a different scenario of plays and downs take place...that's what I mean starting with a kickoff rather...
Thats not how a sequence of events works.
There was no reason to use any of those timeouts
Trubisky had time to let Muth settle regardless if they weren't on the same page.
Amazing what disasters can follow a turnover. 2 safeties lost.
I thought they both were going for the ball and it was inadvertent.
He did legit hold...unfortunately
Right move to receive. 1 less possession by the opposing team that may try and take advantage again of LB play early. Minimize the damage in the...
Hired because he did a solid for Tomlins son?? You must smoke weed alongside Goldburg with the amount of hallucinating you do. You get on here and...
Was the "Mitch can light it up" part a green font comment or do you seriously believe that??
The article is a generalization. Youre treating it like its the Bible.
Energy vampire or winner at life??? Hmmmm ...
Why do you remind me of this guy [MEDIA]
Did you miss this part below or is your nose so far up in the air you failed to acknowledge the writer conceded coaching varies from person to...
Or you just may be him with a different account name.
I agree...I think we're all going to regret SF 49ers winning the SB this year but one thing about that team that always leaves a lasting...
You don't know ish about me, don't pretend to.
Defending someone or being objective? You should know the difference clown.