Steelers 29 Cardinals 13 Rec 37
Steelers 22 Browns 11 Run 23
Steelers 19 Bengals 11 PY 66
Steelers 24 Browns 9 Other number 400
Steelers 27 Rams 23 Plays 60
Steelers 25 Colts 16 TOP 33:00
Steelers 27 Miami 10 First Downs 18
Steelers 17 Chargers 10 Punt 55yds
Steelers 27 Ravens 24 Yards 39
Steelers 21 Bengals 6 Attempts 23
Steelers 31 49ers 17 Passes 25
Steelers 31 Seahawks 17 Rushing Yards 101
11-5 Home 6-2 Away 5-3 Ben 4,776
Steelers 29 Patriots 19 Passing yards 243
Inconsequential question, but after watching the Moncrief highlights, what will his jersey number be? 10 is Switzer, and was also Bryant's and Holmes'
Steelers 38 Saints 31 Missed 0
Steelers 31 Patriots 23 Sack yards lost: 0
Steelers 42 Oakland 17 Completions 35
Steelers 31 Chargers 23 tie breaker 66
Steelers 31 Broncos 23 Return 15