Can we breath now, just for a moment?
The Jim Nance Jinx seldom fails.
3rd down again...(my stream is behind lol)
Where is our D on 3rd downs???
ya Ive gotten the feeling last weeks calls (and before) have curbed is aggressiveness out here today.
Just getting a weird Brownie turnover vibe...Jameiss maybe feeling a little more comfortable at this moment...BOOM, pick or fumble? Yes? No?
Wow where was the tackling on that run
Ok Im sold on the steelers need to look Safety in the off-season. Minkah just seems to be heading towarrds a decline.
Can we PLEASE stop hearing about tucker. Whether he is the best or sucking he gets all the headlines, meanwhile the REAL DEAL is killing it in...
Please dont let that bonehead push by a momentum killer.
Ok O-line looks like they are awake.
YEs! Run and wear this D out over time!
Orr a first down, show a pulse at least when you dont have a short field.
Ok Jamiess looks a little rattled, keep on him.
Ok Nance some jinxing us.
Im asking, Im asking, more more more (by the Browns only please).
4 more and we can get to 20 pts or Russ can snap out of whatever funk he is engulfed in.
Just get the ball to Muth all day please and sprinkle in some Darrnell to punish the Dbs
ya Russ is WAY off wtf.
Sweet pick by Benton, 3 more points maybe.