Give Wilson the vet min. and a case of Boost (his choice of flavor )every month and get what we can from him until the mess management and tomlin...
tomlin should get 20yrs. to life for killing the Steelers.
Latest talk Wilson is gone,who wanted him? Canada gone ,thankfully , who wanted him ?Kenny gone , who wanted him and on and on and on and now...
Before we get a q.b. who needs coaching and developing maybe we should get a coach or watch ground hog day for another decade .
perfect off season ,tomlin goes on cruise, ship lost at sea ,20 yrs. later tomlin found well and thriving with his story telling hour with...
As a pastor having less STD sounds like a good thing . Losing a Steeler Fan is never good.
same way he loses track of what is happening during most games
No tree but a lot of nuts like him
And why do we often fail at 4th and inches ,ref? bad luck? not as many players as the other team has ? play calling? Must be all of that cause it...
To answer my own question , yes I love the Steelers but wonder where they have gone and why. Kinda like watching a loved one die slow and...
because it is not an idea tomlin can claim as his genius move and he is one of the top 2 coaches (in his mind)
other teams have the tush push ,tomlin has given us the bend over and take it . That is not who we have to be . New h.c. with attitude and pride...
It is all just a mis-understanding , Mike thought we were hiring a PR , we thought we were hiring a H.C and the fans are buried in the ensuing...
Been thinking on this a lot since tomlins has been h.c and we have lost our way . The only way to begin to improve is fire mike . Will not happen...
we punt cause micky thinks we can not get a couple of inches and turn the game around . Maybe our line places bad because the coach has no trust...
agree with you fields could learn to read Ds better and improve but who on tomlims staff have proved they can coach-up a q.b.? happy feet is a...
hate to mention it but biiacheat did ok with 6th round pick . tomlin did nothing with 1st. rd. pick,his boy kenny
Wow what was I thinking ,Rudolf over oldman wilson ,mitch , happy feet fields and a duck . No coach could turn a stand tall , step-up in the...
plus he makes better posts than either of us . Does that make us dummies ?We disagree on rudolf but as long as you are a true Steeler Fan God...
Hard to call riding the pine because tomlin had a crush an mitch , was convinced he had a brilliant 1st.rd. qb in kenny and then a Suck appears...