Dammit Washington look for the ball! That would have been 1st down!!
Where was the whisper for forward progress. Damn refs have no other problem blowing the f ing thing
BS Warren was down. Should be 1st downa and 1
Should be up by 2 TD by now. WTF. If we lose this I'll be pissed. Rat birds lost to Browns this week. We need to take advantage of that!!
BS the same foot hit twice!!!!!!!!! Should be a TD
Still can't believe Russell did not run that last outing in the endzone or throw it open to the back receiver quicker. Should be 10 to 6
Wtf jets reviewing what should have been 1st down anyway????????
Jalen was well past the marker for 1st down before whistle was called
So sick of the refs blowing the whistle when naji still driving forward very annoying let the guy get some yards
No pass int from Sauce????? How
What BS call is that!!!! He was not pushing off. These refs paid by NY?
Number 26 should have easily had him
What kind of ****ty tackling is that again come on secondary
That Pickens catcher also been a pass interference he was holding his arm down
For the love of God put fields back in two horrible thrills by Wilson!!!??
Wow ****ty tackling!!!!!
WTF Austin right in your hands!!!!!
What a waste of a turn over wtf Fields!!!!!
Why did we get rid of Robert Spilane again??????
WTF accurate ass throws on Fields!! Put Wilson in now!!!!