Can’t make chicken salad out of chicken s**t.
That is stupid. Rest Pickett he is not doing much when he is healthy.
Well if the Steelers are going to anything to get this team to play like a professional football team they have got to change there policies. I.E....
Sorry Amp. I didn’t see your post before I posted mine. We keep talking about the same things all the time. My question is where do the Rooney’s...
I know we all have been writing and hearing about the same old B.S. that MT has been giving out. Here are the changes he was talking about....
Ravens 34 steelers 7
IMHO. I have to say both are in positions they shouldn’t be in and the results we are seeing proves it.
This thread is old. Like 10 years old.
Everyone is saying MT has been making that statement “ There is going to be a lot of changes “. For 10 years. That me that the owners don’t care...
I completely agree with that. So who does the firing. Mr. Rooney that is like watching paint dry. This whole franchise is in limbo. No leadership...
MT said there is going to be a lot of changes. I hope it starts with him and the coaches.
We talk about MT taking the team to the playoffs or SB. Well after giving that some serious thought, I came the conclusion that hell he can’t even...
No, I’m a big Steelers fan for 64+ years and anyone on here in there80’s knows we have seen a lot of Steelers football. Many of those years not...
We all know you get a position with the Steelers it is for life. And unfortunately for us fans that is a bad thing. There are a few people that...
I’m not a big Canada fan but last night our O was terrible. Is Puckett the man for the job????
Warren old school RB. Harris dances around to much. I would not bench.
Communication starts in the locker room, practice field, game plan room. That all transfers to game ready football on any team. And I still...
I wonder if the Steelers are test KP after having 2 concussions.
Everyone on that field had a bad day.