Glad to get a win. But this team is effed long term. This d....
We won this game. Yet it feels like a loss. I see no way you can win a SB with this defense. None whatsoever. What are we gonna do in a playoff...
Ironic because an Arizona player slipped on that same grass to help us bring home # 6. Regardless, this D sux!!
We need a!!
Just as the question poses. Is it a matter of rebuilding the defense entirely?
But even if we win tonight, are we a SB caliber team? The answer is no. We may be stuck with this defense.
I really wonder if ownership is too worried about the optics of firing Tomlin. Or maybe they like him so much that they can't fire him. I'd look...
I want a SB. And frankly, there are way too many holes for us to get that done.
Winner winner chicken dinner. He can zip the ball and move in the pocket. Like Mahomes, let's see what these guys do from about week 6 or 7 on.
Butler should be fired. Hire Jeff Fisher.
They need to go on a crazy win streak. Like win 8 out of ten type thing. I can't see it happening though. We must draft impact defensive players....
Mrs. Tomlin is that you??
Its not just about the record for me. It goes to the lack of accountability. The consistent drama etc. It appears as though he is losing the...
Doesn't Rooney have final say on coordinator firings? Could've sworn I seen that somewhere.
I once thought Tomlin was bulletproof. Not anymore. For the first time, I truly believe there's a chance he gets fired at the end of the season...
I cannot believe how much talent has been wasted here. It's unreal. Furthermore, why was Butler even brought back? I'm still angry today. Called...
The scoreboard...
Exactly. I'm not sure if firing Butler will be enough. But it's worth a shot.
With the Patriots losing today, it appears as though Jacksonville and KC are the teams to beat. Only two games but still.