stupid pitch
Can we please keep throwing on first down?
Nice run Russ!
gotta say that is a tough call. but it does makeup a bit for all the BS calls and noncalls
Imagine that a first down throw works!
beat them in 2020 at Heinz. 1965 is in Philly
I hate how tentative the rushers are. Afraid Hurts will elude them
if that isn't the fact he tackled him is
HELLO that is a clear hold on Watt
Pierre will be in now.
Nice play JPJ. Wish you would have caught it though
worse is they don't throw on early downs, 10 men in the box
they showed porter working on it during hard knocks
That flag on Moore was a joke
Well pretty poor start and we are tied. Lets get it together men :towel:
I mean Austin couldn't hurt a fly
OK now stupidity on offense
Just call it offsetting and move on
Nice getting Washington moving as a lead blocker on the screen