Tomlin doing Tomlin thingsā¦:eek:
Can we actually pull a W out of this mess??? :towel:
This O is so creative.,,:facepalm:
This game is a total crap-show so far. Hope we wake up in the 2nd half.
Why try that FG in that weather at that distance??? Dumb!
Great ugly win!:herewego!:
Dumb :facepalm:
Watt was that! :yeehaw:
Boz = MVP
Looks like its high time to start drinkingā¦:tequila:
Line play is woeful :puking 3:
D has been fantastic, time for the O to get 6! :herewego:
Boz :thumbs_up:
Offense is pitiful :facepalm:
I miss the Bus :icon neutral: