lol feel like i have heard that all my life growing up. every time i would ask for a new toy, it was meant but you you already so and so and dont...
Not only are they investors, they are clients.
didnt we have a different QB during those days?
not sure i want the al davis draft strategy.
kc touchdown i think we got a game. :)
one truth in life is winning super bowls doesn't necessarily lead to someone i want to listen to talk about football. proven twice today already.
is philly wins some dudes will be eating poop on the streets of philly.
Okay please dont be like the falcons!!!
Here's the whining about the refs
refs making their presence felt already. lol
What's next AB becoming a life coach and a financial planner?
if true and they were winning but told to stop. guessing that can only be an ego thing? more important to do do what i say than it is to win?
are the seats still selling out? --- way too apathetic to even bother looking it up. :) i'm in offseason mode
LOL very adamant and decisive when a suggestion would need more money. money might be tight for the Rooney's.
OMFG!!!! that is wild right there. imagine if he even gets a chance to come in say the game is close to over and still gets a TD pass in the SB....
not even sure who i want to win the SB now. argh, hate to have to root for the eagles, but that might be the right thing to do. i feel so dirty. :)
sorry buffalo. wanted you all to win it all this time.
Refs seem to be doing good.
who wants to go to florida where it snows. if maybe at a nice warm place like Hawaii, that would be something. wonder if the nfl has ever thought...
ah yeah!!! love the way they lost. so heartbreaking for them and just fills me with utter joy!!!!