I see.why we didn't give.Najee another contract, he doesn't have a burst.
3rd down and they only had 1.wr out there. We can't do nothing with just that and Connor and Friermuth.
They say he took out a $5 million loan to throw his own birthday party. Flew over 200 people 1st class to get there.
Naw, stay away from AP, he will hit him up for some money.
Did.we get out of this game with no injuries?
I know this is a Fields thread, but Herbig is a game changer. I hope Tomlin isn't stubborn an keep playing the man.
Giants offensive line is terrible.
There not even trying, they're throwing every play.
Yes he did
The chargers had o yards in the 2nd half. Even Lambert an the boys never done that.
They said the Chargers had the best D in the league, well not anymore.
Herbig is soooo fast, I love him... No Diddy.
They said he couldn't change position, but they always shift on defense.
Fields got potential, but he is so raw for a 4th year player.
Stop with the goddamm Harris wide sweeps.
True, but you can't hold the ball.5 seconds, throw it away, can't afford to lose yards.
I saw Mccormick, I thought he was just a extra lineman.
Fields held that too long.
I swear the Harbaugh brothers got slappable faces.
He deserves it.