He’s ok considering Tomlin calls the plays !!!!
Only one 10 mg
Just like to stir the pot every week I put on my Jack Lambert jersey make my chili , with nachos and if my daughter is home from UConn she puts on...
Excuses excuses every week just say we don’t have the best coach which is me abd i suck !!!
A felony is allowing Tomlin to remain coach !
Is that a bad thing
Again my apologies man sincerely!
Sorry I apologize upset about the performance meant no disrespect to you !!
True Tomlin sucks True Steelers are not motivated True Steelers suck True Tomlin sucks True Pickett blows True line tries less then 30% of...
Tomlin is an unprepared juvenile who lets bad attitudes and placism run rapid and does not cultivate a winning atmosphere amongst his players and...
News flash it will not be in the Tomlin era no way not a chance
No your a real believer in miracles good for you the Steelers suck
I think the Steelers were not ready to play that’s what I think and it’s not all on Tomlin but this group has been average for years and I see no...
Yea I’m a troll and your on planet dillusional
Let me tell you this keep on praying for a good team and hope to get smoked in the playoffs but in the real world they aren’t making playoffs and...
Yea keep routing for **** cause you got it chief
The Steelers have been barely average for over 8 years yet we just accept and say they are decent . No they are not they stink and have zero hope...
Look forward to watching the playoffs again cause the coach sucks ass and had wasted many real good players careers
Recover from what ? It’s done the Steelers are finished deservedly so they blow and will never be a contender ever ever ever ever with retard Tomlin