Doesn't Ben call the plays now??
Why does everyone keep saying fire this coach and that coach. It's not the coaches that's out there fumbling the ball and missing tackles. Until...
You know Busman, you need to grow up dude. I want disrespect you the way you just disrespected me. It's people like you that makes me hate social...
I don't make the most popular post because this is a message board. I post what I really feel with hoping that I'm wrong. Is there a rule that...
If they score a TD here, just get a head start and enjoy your week-end early and for BUSMAN, as much as it pains me to say this... looks like we...
This game is over.
You nailed it Steel, I'm starting to hate this game, the REFs gotta get better with this.
There needs to be reviewable calls for helmet to helmet because it's really effecting the game.........on both sides!
This makes me want to stop watching football! BS!!! There needs to be some changes to this. maybe instant replay for helmet to helmet calls....
A pick or fumble would be awesome.
Bobby, we haven't scored yet.
AB and Ben are our only hope in winning this game. Hope he returns.
Like I keep saying, our offense is hit or miss and our defense is slow. I cannot sit here and just drink the juice. Our team will not be back on...
Why must you stoop to level of calling me a troll?
This is just the beginning. I see the Ravens scoring at least 20 to 25 more points. Standby for a BLOW out.
Hopefully, I have the same luck as I did last week. ;)
Rats 35 Steelers 13 Rushing Yards 72
My prediction for the boys is best we can obtain a record of 9-6-1. Our offense is hit and miss (sometimes I think I get overly excited...
Steelers 10 Browns 19 Passing Yards 176
That same defense made it's way to the regular season last year.