agreed why not run the ball our QB can make that throw but why try
Dont care about TO but terrible pass
Not sure but I would have started Batch. Coaching staff made the game time call so they know more than we do. TTF is Batch hurt?
Lefty better than Neil O
I Like Charlie myself but you gotta be careful on the board
the Ratbirds have built a team around the STEELERS system and done it very well
GO STEELERS we will DESTROY them and STEELERS fans UNITE at all cost.
I am a STEELER homer not the best for fantasy but I could care less....Here we go STEELERS.
I I am in for this WIN.....
we will destroy them
Thats what I want to hear Bgunn I am a life time STEELER and am in for the long hall...keep me in check
Not sure why I keep putting myself and family through this
that holding on the first down run killed us
why bring it out and fumble at the 10
Same old in these games..Flags and ST
damn it
yes sir
If he catches that he wants 50 mil to be a reciever
good cover Ike....yet another flag....we will not win this with penalties