Coaches have taken players out of game for ever, or not started them when they thought the game didn't matter, or was over.
Yeah that's why we are 10-4. Because it's so easy to beat, or why we led the league in turnovers, because it's so easy to beat. This is as...
That's awesome. LoL. For the 500th time. That's why the coaches take them out. Again stop acting like we haven't seen coaches take player out...
If You believe all this....why even watch???
Exactly , but don't say it too loud there are guys sitting on the couch talking about that being a loser. LoL
LoL. Yeah. Like You are actually playing in the game. LoL. Tough guy sitting on the couch watching the game. That's why Coaches make these...
If You can lose a game, and still get into the playoffs on the same week= meaningless. We have 2 division games to paly
A game this late into the season against a NFC team ....when You have two division games left is meaningless
Exactly what I said earlier this week. I rather them sit players this week
And people laugh when I said sit player on this meaningless NFC game. We have two real games we need to win.
How . Hasn't their Qb thrown like 3 ints
I guess everyone forgot the Mendenhall fumble running down the sidelines, and nobody was within 6 yards of him.
People for the 100th time, our Qb runs, and role outs, and other plays are built off that play. If they don't run it, or only run it for a...
That was a bull$hit penalty on special teams
Winner. Take Brown out for the eagles, and they would be a different team
You stole my line