Yeah or Tomlin for that matter.
Yeah I despise ESPN passionately.
I've just never been a fan of Stafford.
Who in the crap are the auto tune idiots "singing" with Hank Jr? Also I guess Hank and ESPN finally made up?
Yeah I would like to have the unemployment line on a 24 hour a day live feed just to see that idiot standing in it constantly. Warms my heart.
Yeah. LOL! She really is beautiful though and you gotta figure Brent's wife has to actually iron herself every time before she leaves the house.
I said this multiple times in the game thread yesterday. That's not a slouch of a d by any stretch of the imagination. They also kept AB in check...
I bet AJ would like to come here though since it never rains on us. LOL!
There's a certain rocket scientist from UT that some seem to be intrigued with...
Yeah but that was only because it rained when Cincy had the ball.
Thanks but no thanks on AJ but I will take Katherine Webb though. LOL!
Honestly I'd say that deep down every player in the league thinks they should have been the number one pick.
Dude trust me. It's fine. I've literally watched The Karate Kid dozens of times.
Freakishly fast looking.
Yeah for sure.
Yeah and even though the rivalry isn't what it once was by the time the game starts my hatred for them absolutely rises right back to the surface....
Division games can always be tossups all over the league really.
...and then Pennywise was like "and if you come down here you'll float too!"