3 day Comic Con that's actually focused on....wait for it.... COMIC BOOKS and without all the teeny bopper celebrities from "comic book movies"...
I am LOVING that shovel pass! 2 weeks in a row!
Put Watson in! He played in the preseason! LOL!
Yeah right! San Diego is nothing but a bunch of posers that watch "comic book movies" and never read comics and think they know about comics....
Giblert had a great block on the big run for Bell though.
If the best things in life are free then why did I have to pay $65 for 3 day Baltimore Comic Con pass next week??? Answer me that!
Bell would have made that block if he hadn't missed the preseason. LOL!
False starts. At home. Sigh....
Finally some flash.
Well I mean there was Blount, Woodson, and Ike so it's not alllll bad. LOL!
I still wish like crazy that Tuitt gets back out there but Cam for sure came to play today.
Take what you get and don't pitch a fit. LOL!
Man I thought Mitchell had jumped that.
Alualu is seeing a lot of playing time.
I don't think he has ever really looked "fast" but more "shifty" than anything. I've always thought the only thing he really lacked was pure...
Dude I was watching a feed in the preseason and then they started showing the game on NFL Network and the feed was actually ahead of the network....
There will never be another though honestly. He might genuinely be my favorite Steeler ever.
Man the going for 2 gets under my skin. LOL!
What was so cool about that one was that it looked like Ben got kneed in the face. LOL!