beat them down:bungalssuck:
get :mad::steelflag:
Theres the hope --now what will happen
Pickens----its the weather
wtf:blackeye: disaster or is it
now they will try to score and give us hope
this is a comedy show Called here comes the Stinkers
Russ keeps sucking and sucking playcalls suck
is our team the Stinkers:dancing::icon e surprised::shock::swoon::swoon::swoon::swoon:
Russ is the man you best get used to it Tomlin loves him
here we come Ravens with our smiling faces
:think:maybe they are resting Fields to start playoffs:scratch:
yaa he sees what's happening we suck
:popcorn::th jawdrop2::puking 3::puking2:
where is that lake by the stadium again are there ducks in it
now the d is giving up
blame the weather
80s Steelers better