I miss Myron Cope--- we could him and his YOI right about now
can Russ see the middle of the field ,or is he afraid the other team will bat the ball down
Well our defense needs to play like someone set them on fire.they need to:beathorse:----:nomnom:chase Jackson all around--:zwin:sack him....
We must feel confident we can win any time we are in playoffs-STOP--being negative there is always a chance:clap::herewego!::herewego!::herewego!:
NOW how bad do you want the Superbowl Steelers --go all out-- get mad- do what you need to do-- but get us number 7
please don't try to run on Ravens ---unless we get a big lead. Please don't throw pitch-backs or screens Harbaugh is expecting all this ---Because...
it's not that they quit. It's that they didn't do their jobs. Anyway, the defense did good they didn't quit. it's just this stupid offense and...
ARE we stuck in Bill Murrays nightmare Groundhog Day with our sports teams--Every year we suck with only a few different...
we might have the most athletic and highest paid defense ---but sometimes they don't play like it:confused1::confused1::confused1:
:steelflag::herewego!::steelflag:<------ a bright happy thing
Cam is a bright spot on this season ,no trading or retiring Cam ,or for that matter Bos.
Well to me Russ has 1 more chance at least to show if he is worthy of leading our team or not ...I said before ---with the way he is playing ---I...
if it's not talent then why did we get rid of Kenny---Russ is washed up he is no good our talented team has lots of problems ---all the way from...
the Steelers are stirring something in the pot but it's not GLORY OR VICTORY-- it's a heaping pile...
Start Fields start Fields Start Fields ooops that's all I ever say ummm Start Fields ok
yay gonna get destroyed by Lamar Jackson:crycry::crycry::crycry::crycry::crycry::crycry::thumbs__down::notworthy::notworthy:
start Fields
F this stinker :poopy::ACK!:
Russ blowing it